RSA hands-on Workshop, May 22, 2013 in Lund, Sweden

Prior to the 3rd RSA meeting in Lund, Sweden, RSAcore hosts a Hand-on Model-based RSA workshop. This workshop will be at the Grand Hotel, the same venue as where the 3rd RSA meeting will be held.
During the day you will be introduced into the world of micro-motion detection of rigid bodies using Model-based RSA. A hands-on course naturally means that you will be working with the software yourselves as well. Time is scheduled for playing with the software and exploring the possibilities of the program.
For those of you who do not have previous experience with RSA, the day will start with an overview of the need for Roentgen Stereophogrammetric Analysis (RSA) research in general and how the RSA technique works before focusing on the Model-based RSA software. Therefore previous experience in RSA is not required to attend the workshop.
As soon as the program is finalized, it will be made available on this website.
Preliminary Program:
- 9.30h Welcome
- The need for RSA
- How does RSA work?
- What is Model-based RSA?
- Introduction in the software program
- Practice - Part 1
- Additional possibilities of the software program
- Practice - Part 2
- Questions
Course information:
- Workshop held 22nd May 2013 at the Grand Hotel in Lund, Bantorget 1, 221 04 Lund, Sweden
- all day event
- € 175 per participant
- Registration until April 15th 2013
- Registration required
- Minimum of 10 participants
- 20 participants at max
- Coffee / tea / lunch / use of laptop included
- No prior RSA knowledge necessary
If the minimum required number of people is not reached at the closing of the registry term, RSAcore will cancel the workshop and refund the paid registration fees for the RSA workshop.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop please contact us.